Come to an event

Fundraising events are held in various places around England, with details posted on our news page. Do come along to one - we will be very pleased to see you!

Stay Tuned for Upcoming Events Here

The Kanji Project AGM - 29/6/24

Join us for our Annual General Meeting, online on Microsoft Teams on the 29th June, from 10.30 - 11.30am. If you are on the mailing list you will receive a link to join us and hear about everything we've been up to this year. If you have not received the link but would like to attend, contact trustee George at and we will make sure you receive one before the 29th.

Join the Kanji Coffee Morning - 3/7/24

Join our supporters Bernadette and Ted on the 3rd July for a Kanji Coffee Morning. Don't miss out on the raffle, Indian gifts, preserves and many other exciting things hosted in Ovingdean. Do let Bernadette and Ted know if you will be attending.

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